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Thanks for visiting! My name is Lori and I am married to my high school sweetheart and have 2 beautiful girls. What is 'Life With Sugar & Spice'? It's a blog where I will share everything from my faith in Jesus Christ and my girls (sugar and spice) to thrifting and decorating! I started it as a way to showcase our everyday life to family out of town!
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Monday, July 23, 2012

God is Merciful

If you read or watch the news, you know what happened in Colorado last week.  If you don't, just google Colorado shooting and you will instantly be in the know. 

It was a tragic event.  Nothing more to say.

Scrolling through facebook, I found this post that many of my friends have shared.  It's from a woman whom was at the theater that evening with her two daughters. Their lives were spared.  In her post, she shares her love for Christ and her heart for sharing the gospel.  From what I can tell she's an amazing writer.

I wanted to share it here because I realize that not everyone whom reads my blog is a believer.  I also am well aware that I'm not the most fantastic writer on the planet.  She was able to write exactly what I know in my heart to be true about the amazing God I serve - he is merciful.  Despite such tragedy, he will use it for good.

So please hop over to her blog here...and take the time to read an amazing post!

1 comment:

  1. I heard this gal speak on a Christian radio talk show today. I hadn't read her blog post, but I'm going to read it now. Thx for posting this:)
    Love to you,
