(to see previous posts, click on the unemployment link)
I few days ago, I discussed just a few of the major struggles we faced during our unemployment journey. Today I want to focus on our blessings and where we are today.
To say that God blessed us during this journey would be an understatement. He DID NOT bless us financially...but he did bless us in the ares of our lives in which it meant the most.
I mentioned in the last post, that our most difficult struggle came in the area of our marriage. I'm happy to report that God took those 10 plus months to work on our marriage and bring it to a place of true wedded bliss. I mean the kind of woo hoo honeymoon wedded bliss. Ok, maybe it's not like the movies, because hello, this is real life, but we are happier than we were 10 years ago!
I wish I could explain how, but I truly cannot use adequate words. When we lost our income, we realized that if everything gets taken from us, all that would remain is our marriage. I look back and realize that God had to bring us to a true place of complete brokenness in order to restore our relationship. It happened through a great amount of prayer. A great deal of conviction and many, many tears. God surrounded us with Godly friends and an amazing therapist to help us deal with our emotions and all the junk we brought into this journey. God healed our hearts and gave us the most amazing gift of all; a God centered marriage.
We were blessed is countless other ways. Our family grew closer together. We focused on what mattered and quit worrying about all the things we couldn't purchase. God gave us perspective. We had friends facing horrible trials such as childhood cancer, breast cancer and divorce. Our small financial journey was peanuts compared to those.
God provided small needs such as gifted clothing for my girls and some wants such as Christmas gifts. In fact, we had the best Christmas ever! Not because of what we received, but in the form of family togetherness. I mean seriously, it snowed on Christmas day in Georgia for the first time in like 100 years! I know God did that for us! Hee hee!
God showed us who our true friends were and surprised us in some new relationships. We never felt that we were alone or unloved.
We decided to make some changes in our girls' schooling. This "never ever going to homeschool" momma, decided to homeschool. Wow! God provided that direction and the funding make that change.
After 10 and a half months of unemployment, a drained savings and emotional roller coaster, God provided Kyle with a job. It wasn't the rainbow after the storm I had envisioned. It was far from the perfect job. It was over 30% less than his previous salary, it was a 37 mile commute, and it was a temp to possible full time position with no insurance or benefits. However, it was God's gift and we were grateful.
As far as where we are today, you would be surprised to know that we are unemployed again. It's quite ironic that Kyle would be let go from his 6 month temp to perm job as I ended this post.
I don't know why and I don't know what the plan is. I'm scared, sad, emotional and frustrated. I thought our journey was over. I'm not sure if our finances will sustain us, however, I do know that our marriage and God will. So, I end this post with a verse I'm holding onto:
"For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name." Psalm 33:21